Security News > 2021 > February > Chief Legal Officers face mounting compliance, privacy and cybersecurity obligations

Thirteen years, one institutional investor and two acquisitions later, it offers a unified platform that helps general counsel and chief legal officers manage challenges related to e-discovery, data privacy compliance obligations, Data Subject Access Rights, digital forensic investigation and so on.
Legal plays a critical role in ensuring that all compliance obligations are met, and overall risk to the organization is mitigated.
What new strategies should Chief Legal Officers implement to manage their legal GRC obligations?
I'd start with implementing a robust, enterprise-class data inventory solution - one that is easily updated and not only answers the questions above, but also gives insight into the context under which that data was created and used, because that's critically important when it comes to ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and data disposition/retention obligations.
In the recently released Association of Corporate Counsel 2021 Chief Legal Officer Survey, cybersecurity, compliance and data privacy top the list as the most important issue area for businesses for the third straight year.
Legal has to quarterback these obligations but require the ability to quickly understand the scope of the incident, what data was affected, where the affected individuals reside and what the reporting obligations are or risk missing deadlines in those jurisdictions and exposing the company to fines and other negative outcomes.
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