Security News > 2021 > February > 5 cybersecurity trends MSPs must address in 2021

MSPs have been at war with malware-wielding threat actors for many years, but ransomware is much more insidious and destructive than a trojan.
While basic AV that many MSPs employ will detect most ransomware attacks based on signatures, some malware will still slip through.
Another trend MSPs must prepare for in 2021 is the permanent shift to remote work.
MSPs often bring on these solutions to deliver more efficient service by providing ticketing, remote access, support communication, and system monitoring.
These systems can make MSPs more efficient but also serve as targets for bad actors due to the value of the data they store or have access to in their storage.
By planning for the new trends of 2021, MSPs can take the initiative and optimize their resources to deliver with these changes in mind.
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