Security News > 2021 > February > Empowering a remote workforce is a top priority for CEOs

Empowering a remote workforce is a top priority for CEOs
2021-02-08 05:00

A top challenge for many CEOs over the next few years is managing a remote workforce, a new IBM Institute for Business Value study reveals.

CEOs of outperforming organizations - those who were in the top 20 percent for revenue growth of those surveyed - are prioritizing talent, technology and partnerships to position their companies for success post-COVID-19 pandemic.

The study found the majority of CEOs surveyed reported empowering a remote workforce was their top priority during 2020.

Half of outperforming company CEOs surveyed said managing a remote "Anywhere" workforce is a top leadership challenge over the next few years, compared to 25 percent of underperformers, companies in the bottom 20 percent for revenue growth of those surveyed.

77 percent of outperforming company CEOs surveyed report they plan to prioritize employee well-being even if it affects near-term profitability, compared to 39 percent of underperformers, reflecting that the surveyed leaders of top organizations are heavily focused on their people in this moment.

Outperforming company CEOs surveyed said technology foundations were the top challenge at double the rate of underperformers.

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