Security News > 2021 > February > Why schools are vulnerable to ransomware attacks

Why schools are vulnerable to ransomware attacks
2021-02-04 14:39

A lack of security training for educators and budget limitations are two reasons schools are susceptible to cyberattack, says IBM Security.

If you're at a smaller organization, such as a school, with a tiny budget and limited security training, combating cyberattacks is all the more difficult.

Plus, the abrupt shift to remote learning has opened up another area through which schools can be targeted.

A new report by IBM Security examines how schools are vulnerable to ransomware and what they can do to beef up their defenses.

To help US public schools better defend themselves against ransomware and cyberattacks, IBM announced the launch of a new education security grant.

To prepare for ransomware attacks, school educators and administrators should also consider the following tips from IBM:.Prepare and budget for cybersecurity by creating incident response plans and exploring resources like cyber insurance.

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