Security News > 2021 > February > Lack of visibility into remote endpoints leaves companies vulnerable to ransomware

Illumio released findings on visibility and security practices for remote endpoints, revealing how vulnerable organizations are to ransomware propagating throughout the network and the impact large-scale breaches have on a business - essentially grinding operations to a halt.
Most organizations have a severe lack of visibility into remote endpoints, and few have a way to stop ransomware from spreading throughout their network after an initial breach.
Vulnerable and potentially infected endpoints can cause even more damage when employees bring their laptops back to the office and connect to the campus network.
"Since the VPN cannot see home network traffic, respondents assume the visibility they get from a VPN is sufficient, when it leaves them blind to the environment that work devices are actually running in," said Matthew Glenn, senior VP of product management at Illumio.
"Devices on home networks are vulnerable to peer-to-peer and lateral attacks from unwitting family members. These vulnerable endpoints risk exposing an entire organization to systemic risk, even while workers are connected over a VPN. Once employees begin returning to the office, connecting potentially compromised devices to the corporate network will pose an even greater threat."
This leaves businesses vulnerable to new or modified threats that remain undetected for hours or days and then move laterally to other endpoints and data centers.
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