Security News > 2021 > February > Kick off the year with a new vendor management spring cleaning strategy

Kick off the year with a new vendor management spring cleaning strategy
2021-02-03 06:00

Your company's vendor management program may not be what you need to get the most out of your cybersecurity vendors, so I'll focus on a Cyber Vendor Optimization Strategy.

Depending on which vendor you're dealing with, what you share about your challenges and how you leverage the vendor could be completely different things.

This allows me to focus on vendor engagements with the best ROI and manage the amount of time I spend on vendor management.

These categories may not match the corporate vendor management definitions, as you will base the decision on your cybersecurity program, not the entire company.

Along with your strategy / plan for the year mapping out your objectives, I think you need to track "Tech debt" around your vendors capabilities.

The closely related topic of vendor consolidation can be another great area to consider as part of your vendor management strategy.

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