Security News > 2021 > January > Group-IB granted Innovation Excellence award for its Digital Risk Protection

Group-IB granted Innovation Excellence award for its Digital Risk Protection
2021-01-28 00:00

Group-IB was granted Innovation Excellence award for its Digital Risk Protection, an Al-driven platform for identifying and mitigating digital risks and counteracting brand impersonation attacks with the company's patented technologies at its core.

The key parameters independently analyzed by Frost & Sullivan in its "Frost Radar: European Digital Risk Protection Market, 2020" among others included innovation stability, R&D, mega trends leverage, growth pipeline, vision and strategy, revenue growth, and market share growth.

The innovativeness of Group-IB's Digital Risk Protection stems from the fact that the platform employs the company's patented technologies in the cyber threat intelligence field, including fully automated Graph Network Analysis, proved by over 30 patents worldwide.

The data of Group-IB DRP team shows that the majority of brand infringements are hiding behind fake groups and accounts on social media, fraudulent websites come second with 22%, while fake mobile apps got third place with 7%. To successfully identify and classify various types of brand impersonation and fraud as well as to automate this painstaking process, Group-IB Digital Risk Protection applies neural networks and numerous scorings that are constantly being calibrated by Group-IB analysts.

"Frost & Sullivan Innovation Excellence award is a big moment for DRP team and Group-IB in general," comments Group-IB Deputy Director of Anti-Piracy and Brand Protection Dmitry Tiunkin.

"With a growing trend for the personalization and targeting of brand impersonating scams and online fraud, DRP solutions should be increasingly client-tailored. Group-IB's Digital Risk Protection is a product that was built on a service and incorporated the expertise of DRP analysts, who are continuously enriching the product with the data on the latest fraud trends relevant for specific industries."

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