Security News > 2021 > January > The complexity of moving legacy apps remains a huge cloud migration challenge

The complexity of moving legacy apps remains a huge cloud migration challenge
2021-01-27 05:00

Cloud migration is a journey - Most companies are in the early stages of moving to the cloud and application migrations to the cloud will be performed over multiple years.

The cloud migration services market is expected to grow - Due to lack of skilled internal resources, most companies plan to outsource core cloud migration services.

"Companies recognize that it's critical to migrate their data to the cloud - the study found that close to 80% of companies trust their applications and data on the cloud more than on-prem. But many have yet to begin their migration journey, due to the complexity of moving multiple applications."

More than one-third of companies are at the very beginning of their cloud migration journey and need help - in planning their migration strategy, application migration and change management.

Moving legacy apps to the cloud requires careful planning and execution.

Given the volume of applications that are ear-marked for a cloud migration, and the complexity of the migrations, it is expected that the cloud migration services market will grow in 2021.

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