Security News > 2021 > January > ONF SD-RAN 1.0: A cloud-native platform for software-defined RAN consistent with O-RAN

ONF SD-RAN 1.0: A cloud-native platform for software-defined RAN consistent with O-RAN
2021-01-27 02:30

The ONF announced a major milestone for the SD-RAN open RAN project with its first software release.

SD-RAN v1.0 is a cloud-native exemplar platform for software-defined RAN that is consistent with the O-RAN architecture.

The O-RAN Alliance is defining this open architecture, TIP's OpenRAN RIA subgroup is defining requirements for AI/ML use cases, and the ONF's SD-RAN project is building an open source implementation that is consistent with this architecture to help foster innovation and speed the development and availability of production-grade open RAN solutions.

The ONF's first release of the SD-RAN project implements a minimal O-RAN consistent end-to-end mobile RAN stack intended as a development environment for building xApps for the emerging Open RAN ecosystem.

The RAN components interact with Samsung Android handsets as well as OAI User Element emulation software.

Taken together, this is the start of a complete development environment for xApp developers and for those wishing to integrate RU, DU and CU RAN components into an open RAN solution.

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