Security News > 2021 > January > The impact of COVID-19 on how CISOs make buying decisions

The impact of COVID-19 on how CISOs make buying decisions
2021-01-26 06:00

To get a sense of the real impact of the pandemic on cyber security, we conducted a wide-ranging survey with UK IT decision makers on their expectations and priorities for the next 12 months.

More than half of the CISOs and other IT security decision makers responding to our research indicated that EDR was a purchasing priority.

In-house security management was still the most popular approach for most organizations, and more than half of respondents maintained their own cyber security personnel.

Outsourcing security not only provides access to the latest in security solutions but also, perhaps more importantly, the skills and expertise of qualified security personnel.

A good security partner will use their industry experience to provide valuable insight in shaping the company's security strategy and investments, helping to ensure that future purchases are the best match for the company's security priorities.

With the future still full of uncertainty, investing in strong relationships and trusted partners can often be as important as buying the latest security solutions.

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