Security News > 2021 > January > Breaking Down Joe Biden’s $10B Cybersecurity ‘Down Payment’

Breaking Down Joe Biden’s $10B Cybersecurity ‘Down Payment’
2021-01-25 21:51

President Joe Biden laid out a series of cybersecurity initiatives last week at his inauguration, including earmarking $10 billion for various cybersecurity defense initiatives.

While Tom Kellermann, head of cybersecurity strategy for VMware Carbon Black, applauds Biden's plan, he stressed that it should merely be considered a "Down payment" toward a much larger sum needed to invest in digital security.

During this week's podcast, Kellermann breaks down the top cybersecurity priorities for the Biden administration to achieve what he predicts will be a "Historic shift to more of a forward leaning posture."

You know, just to kind of set the context here, we'd love to hear your thoughts on some of the biggest challenges or issues that the US government is currently facing right now, and over the past few years, when it comes to cybersecurity and how that really sets the stage for right then and now.

LW: Wanted to switch gears real quick and look at a recent proposal from Biden regarding spending $10 billion in cybersecurity and IT spending, and a large part of that proposal aims to send funds towards you know, CISA, as we were talking about earlier.

Finally, there is a policy movement on the hill to provide tax incentives for companies that invest in cybersecurity, that invest over 10% of their IT budgets in cybersecurity, and also have a dedicated head of cybersecurity within their organization.

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