Security News > 2021 > January > Cybersecurity: Blaming users is not the answer

Cybersecurity: Blaming users is not the answer
2021-01-22 20:44

According to survey findings, a high percentage of organizations rely on their employees to be the primary data breach detection mechanism-particularly when it comes to email.

"Our research found that 62% of organizations rely on people-based reporting to alert management about data breaches," mentions Pepper.

The lack of truly understanding why data is escaping the digital confines of an organization makes it hugely difficult for those in charge of cybersecurity to develop a defensive strategy that will effectively protect an organization's data.

Anyone working with the organization's digital assets needs to understand the possible outcomes from a data breach-for example, regulatory fines or damage to the organization's reputation.

It's a safe bet when users understand the consequences of emailing client data to the wrong recipient or responding to a phishing email, they'll be much more likely to report the incident if and when it occurs.

"Security teams need to reassure the wider organization that, while data breaches are to be taken seriously, employees who report accidental incidents will receive appropriate support from the business and not face severe repercussions."

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