Security News > 2021 > January > Visibility, control and governance holding back cloud transformation

Visibility, control and governance holding back cloud transformation
2021-01-19 04:30

The report identifies common security, compliance and governance challenges impacting organizations undergoing cloud transformation.

Part one of the study found most survey respondents plan to take a hybridised approach to their cloud infrastructure, with 59% of respondents saying they will reduce their on-premises infrastructure to some degree and increase public cloud deployments within the next 18-24 months.

"Organizations are enjoying a newfound agility as they embrace hybrid cloud solutions, but scattered workloads present a security concern," explains Craig Tavares, Global Head of Cloud at Aptum.

"A cloud environment is only as secure as the polices and controls an organization has in place, which is why they need to be built into the formation of any cloud strategy."

"Although no single solution on its own can guarantee 100% security, especially in a multi/hybrid cloud approach, experienced partners can assist organizations in choosing the right combination of security technologies that compliments their workloads no matter where they are hosted and ensure visibility across disparate environments."

"With the ubiquity of cloud and hybrid environments, containerization, and mobile, IoT, and other edge devices, the traditional notion of a perimeter is no more. To be effective, security solutions must enable total visibility across an organization's IT estate to help organizations quickly identify, prioritise, and respond to all threats that surface." . A holistic approach to cloud architectures is needed.

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