Security News > 2021 > January > The Week in Ransomware - January 8th 2021 - $150 million

The Week in Ransomware - January 8th 2021 - $150 million
2021-01-08 18:17

Even though the holidays are over in many countries, it has been a very quiet week for ransomware.

January 2nd 2021 Apex Laboratory confirms ransomware attack; only recently discovered data theft recently reported that Apex Laboratory Inc. had apparently been attacked by DoppelPaymer ransomware threat actors.

GrujaRS found the new in-development Sharp ransomware that appends the.0x0M4R extension to encrypted files.

It's a new year, and with it comes a new ransomware called Babuk Locker that targets corporate victims in human-operated attacks.

GrujaRS found a new Makop ransomware variant that appends the.

Now one leak-focused group is mining a controversial new vein of secrets: the massive caches of data stolen by ransomware crews and dumped online when victims refuse to pay.

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