Security News > 2020 > December > The curse of knowing a bit about IT: 'Could you just...?' and 'No I haven't changed anything'

12BoC On the sixth day of Christmas, the bork gods sent to me: Fix the printer, nerds, Scottish parking whi-i-i-i-nge, one dead DB, petty angry user, flightless Windows signage, and a server they said had ceased to be.
Today's story comes from Register reader "Remy" and describes a situation all too familiar.
Said printer was attached to the mother's PC and shared on a home LAN. Of course, as is always the case from a user's perspective, nothing had changed and the printer had stopped working all by itself.
Everything appeared to be working correctly, but for some reason the printer was nowhere to be seen.
Firewall dealt with, "The mystery was solved and he could enjoy his printer again".
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