Security News > 2020 > December > Emotet malware hits Lithuania's National Public Health Center

Emotet malware hits Lithuania's National Public Health Center
2020-12-30 11:02

The internal networks of Lithuania's National Center for Public Health and several municipalities have been infected with Emotet malware following a large campaign targeting the country's state institutions.

NVSC information technology specialists, together with experts from the Central State Telecommunications Center and the National Cyber ​​Security Center currently working on cleaning affected systems of the Emotet infection, as well as on recovering NVSC e-mails and restoring email access.

Rytis Rainys, Director of the Lithuanian National Cyber ​​Security Center, warned that the Emotet emails sent as replies to previous conversations distributed malicious code using password-protected archives as attachments, with the password shared in the email body.

Stealing reply-chain emails is a known Emotet tactic used to camouflage malicious emails as parts of existing conversations for higher credibility and better infection rates in future spam campaigns.

"The new Emotet campaign still uses documents that contain malicious macro that, when enabled, connects to seven malicious domains to download the Emotet payload," Microsoft Security Intelligence tweeted.

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