Security News > 2020 > December > Attesting to the Security of Data-in-Use

Attesting to the Security of Data-in-Use
2020-12-22 17:25

The pace at which new confidential computing solutions are penetrating enterprise security architectures and data protection strategies appears to be catching security leaders off balance.

To protect sensitive data from malware and high privileged unauthorized users of the database server, traditional non-TEE data encryption processes protect the data by encrypting it on the client side.

For operations teams tasked with regulatory data discovery, labeling and protection throughout the enterprise, the mechanics of securing client agents and shuffling encrypted data between systems -temporarily duplicating data in the process - is inefficient and burdensome.

TEE-enabled database services ensure the encrypted data remains within the system, allowing computations on plaintext data inside the secure enclave with no way to view data or code inside the enclave from the outside.

Rich computations, such as operations on encrypted columns, are possible, and cryptographic operations on sensitive data, like initial data encryption or rotating a column encryption key, are performed within the enclave and do not require moving the data outside the database.

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