Security News > 2020 > December > How to protect your organization following the SolarWinds compromise

Whether your organization uses the vulnerable SolarWinds software or you want to defend yourself against similar exploits, here are recommendations from four sources.
Customers running Orion Platform version 2019.4 HF 5 are urged to update to 2019.4 HF 6.Further, the hotfix release 2020.2.1 HF 2 is available in the SolarWinds Customer Portal.
SolarWinds advises all customers to update to release 2020.2.1 HF 2 as this hot-fix version replaces the compromised component and offers additional security enhancements.
For organizations that want to protect themselves from similar exploits, security firm Cycode published a blog post on Tuesday offering lessons learned from the SolarWinds incident.
To help any organization bolster their security defenses, security firm Tempered Networks suggests a zero-trust approach.