Security News > 2020 > December > Kanguru Defender secure devices help orgs protect, manage, and secure their data

Kanguru Defender secure devices help orgs protect, manage, and secure their data
2020-12-02 03:00

Kanguru's data management solution offers security-conscious organizations an exceptional level of global data security to protect, manage, and secure their information around the world.

With Kanguru Defender secure devices, information can be stored on military-grade, AES/XTS 256-Bit hardware encrypted USB drives, away from the dangers of the internet.

Kanguru Remote Management Console is an additional fully-integrated security option for organizations, providing IT Administrators and Security Officers the ability to remotely manage, monitor, update, communicate, and even disable their hardware encrypted USB data storage devices if necessary anywhere in the world.

"Kanguru is poised to offer more to security-conscious clients with Kanguru's well-established, fully-integrated KRMC to manage all of their organization's Defender hardware encrypted USB drives," states Nate Cote, EVP, Kanguru.

New large capacity storage flash drives up to 256GB. Secure Defender HDD up to 5T and SSD up to 2T capacity data storage.

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