Security News > 2020 > December > Experts Uncover 'Crutch' Russian Malware Used in APT Attacks for 5 Years

Experts Uncover 'Crutch' Russian Malware Used in APT Attacks for 5 Years
2020-12-02 05:25

Codenamed "Crutch" by ESET researchers, the malware has been attributed to Turla, a Russia-based advanced hacker group known for its extensive attacks against governments, embassies, and military organizations through various watering hole and spear-phishing campaigns.

"These tools were designed to exfiltrate sensitive documents and other files to Dropbox accounts controlled by Turla operators," the cybersecurity firm said in an analysis shared with The Hacker News.

Besides identifying strong links between a Crutch sample from 2016 and Turla's yet another second-stage backdoor called Gazer, the latest malware in their diverse toolset points to the group's continued focus on espionage and reconnaissance against high-profile targets.

Crutch is delivered either via the Skipper suite, a first-stage implant previously attributed to Turla, or a post-exploitation agent called PowerShell Empire, with two different versions of the malware spotted before and after mid-2019.

"The sophistication of the attacks and technical details of the discovery further strengthen the perception that the Turla group has considerable resources to operate such a large and diverse arsenal," said ESET researcher Matthieu Faou.

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