Security News > 2020 > December > Demand for private network deployments will be driven by heavy industry verticals

Demand for private network deployments will be driven by heavy industry verticals
2020-12-02 04:00

According to ABI Research, the demand for private network deployments will be driven primarily by heavy industry verticals.

Industrial manufacturing, energy production alone will generate private network revenues of $32.38 billion by 2030, representing half of the $64 Billion overall private network revenues.

"These findings show the importance of private networks, particularly for automating mission- or even life-critical use cases, that require the highest possible network reliability and availability and are characterized by a high degree of network integrity to prevent data from leaving the enterprise premises," says Leo Gergs, Research Analyst for 5G Markets at ABI Research.

"Two main factors are causing the surge in private network demand. Gergs explains,"First, there is a huge rise in demand for automation and enterprise digitization.

While private network operators like Ambra, Citymesh or Edzcom are threatening traditional CSPs' market share by monetizing managed services other than connectivity, hyperscalers like AWS, Google, and IBM are launching their private network offerings in co-creation efforts with telco players.

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