Security News > 2020 > November > Evolution of Emotet: From Banking Trojan to Malware Distributor
Ever since its discovery in 2014-when Emotet was a standard credential stealer and banking Trojan, the malware has evolved into a modular, polymorphic platform for distributing other kinds of computer viruses.
Emotet is the most uploaded malware throughout the past few years.
According to a graph of the Emotet samples uploaded to ANY.RUN service, you can see the behavior of the malware in 2019 and 2020.
Early versions differ from the current one, even by its intentions - Emotet has developed from the banking Trojan to the loader.
Quite often, Emotet becomes the "Hero" of the day: it has a leading position of the most downloaded samples into ANY.RUN. That's why ANY.RUN's experience with the malware is interesting.
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