Security News > 2020 > November > 66% of companies say it would take 5 or more days to fully recover from a ransomware attack ransom not paid

66% of companies say it would take 5 or more days to fully recover from a ransomware attack ransom not paid
2020-11-18 14:45

According to the survey, 57% of respondents said their companies haven't tested their disaster recovery plan within the past two months and 66% estimated that it would take five or more days to fully recover from a ransomware attack if they didn't pay the ransom.

Just one third of all respondents said their companies had three or more copies of their data, including having one copy off site, separate from their data center.

For those who had already experienced a ransomware attack, 38% said they suffered disruptions of at least five days while 32% said their systems were down for between one and four days.

More than 40% of ransomware victims said 20% or more of their files and data were impacted or lost.

While 57% of respondents said their data recovery plans hadn't been tested in the last two months, another 39% said theirs had not been tested in more than 90 days or not at all.

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