Security News > 2020 > November > SAD DNS cache poisoning: A temporarily fix for Linux servers and desktops

Jack Wallen walks you through the process of putting in place a temporary fix against SAD DNS for your Linux servers and desktops.
There's a new DNS cache poisoning threat in town and it goes by the name of Side-channel AttackeD DNS. This new attack works like so: SAD DNS makes it possible for hackers to reroute traffic destined to a specific domain to a server under their control.
BlueCat also informed me of a temporary fix for Linux servers and desktops.
Let me show you how to deploy it to your Linux desktops and servers, so you can avoid problems until DNS server providers resolve the issue.
Your Linux servers and desktops should be safe from SAD DNS until said time as DNS providers have a permanent fix in place, or the Linux kernel is officially patched against the attack.