Security News > 2020 > November > Tech support scammer dialed random number and Australian Police’s cybercrime squad answered

Tech support scammer dialed random number and Australian Police’s cybercrime squad answered
2020-11-06 03:05

A tech-support scammer making random phone calls in the hope of finding a victim called the cyber-crime squad of an Australian police force, which used the happy accident to document the con trick and inform the public on what to watch out for.

The call was placed to the Financial and Cybercrime Investigation Branch in the state of South Australia, where the cops serve 1.75 million citizens.

"After we kept experiencing problems, the caller terminated the call."

The scammer claimed to be calling from Australia's National Broadband Network, which as a wholesaler has no business making calls to end-users. bit being the giveaway, and advised folks not to download software they don't understand and certainly not to do so as the result of a random incoming call.

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