Security News > 2020 > October > Network visibility critical in increasingly complex environments

Federal IT leaders across the country voiced the importance of network visibility in managing and securing their agencies' increasingly complex and hybrid networks, according to Riverbed.
Of 200 participating federal government IT decision makers and influencers, 90 percent consider their networks to be moderately-to-highly complex, and 32 percent say that increasing network complexity is the greatest challenge an IT professional without visibility faces in their agency when managing the network.
Ninety-three percent of respondents believe that greater network visibility facilitates greater network security and 96 percent believe network visibility is moderately or highly valuable in assuring secure infrastructure.
Further, respondents ranked cybersecurity as their agency's number one priority that can be improved through better network visibility, and automated threat detection was identified as the most important feature of a network visibility solution, followed by advanced reporting features, and automated alerting.
"Network visibility is the foundation of cybersecurity and federal agencies have to know what's on their network so they can rapidly detect and remediate malicious actors. And while automation enablement calls for an upfront time investment, it can significantly improve response time not only for cyber threat detection but also network issues that can hit employee productivity," concluded McFate.
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