Security News > 2020 > October > Cybersecurity policy is a must in government

One policy expert says cybersecurity measures should be an expected item that comes with every purchase, like the safety measures in your car.
TechRepublic's Karen Roby talked with Fred Cate of Indiana University about cybersecurity and the importance of cybersecurity policy in government.
What I do, which is a little different than a lot of other cybersecurity people, is really coming at cybersecurity from a policy and a usability point of view.
Do you think that when we talk about whether it's the average person or when you do go to Rotary meetings, let's say, and you're talking to some C-suite individuals, do you think they are afraid to take this on? Is it something that still seems like it hasn't really gotten through yet? Where are we? Where's our sensibility when it comes to cybersecurity?
I think, again, we've kind of treated cybersecurity though like it's idiosyncratic like, there'll be your cybersecurity and my cybersecurity, and everyone will have their own cybersecurity, and it's not going to work that way.
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