Security News > 2020 > October > Buer Loader “malware-as-a-service” joins Emotet for ransomware delivery

The Emotet gang have typically used their own botnets in a very service-oriented way: as a pay-as-you-go malware delivery network for other cybercriminals.
A common malware chain might involve an Emotet infection to act as a malware delivery beachhead, followed by the Trickbot malware to scrape through your system and go after details such as on-line banking credentials, followed by an attack by ransomare such as Ryuk.
Buer has previously been tied to banking trojan attacks and other malware deployments-and now, apparently, has been embraced by ransomware operators.
For as little as $350, the Buer crew will provide you with a customised malware loader hooked up to a C&C server that "Just works".
The infamous Ryuk ransomware crew are using the Buer Loader distribution - and that's only part of the answer, because you can bet your bo(o)ts that they're not the only crooks trying out this up-and-coming malware delivery network.