Security News > 2020 > October > Cymatic names Stuart McClure to its advisory board

Cymatic announced that Stuart McClure, founder and former chief executive of AI security firm Cylance, has been named to the Cymatic advisory board.
Stuart's security and technology expertise will provide Cymatic with technical guidance and market leadership to ensure the success and relevance of its all-in-one client-side WAF CymaticONE + VADR. Stuart is widely recognized for his achievements in applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to endpoint protection and defense.
"To thwart today's advanced cyber threats at the point of attack requires the real-time understanding, early detection, and intelligence CymaticONE + VADR delivers. I've long been passionate about using AI and ML to better protect people and their devices, and I am excited to be part of the Cymatic mission to transform the way organizations defend web applications."
"We are honored and humbled to have Stuart McClure join Team Cymatic," said Cymatic Founder and President Paul Storm.
Cymatic offers the only web application firewall solution that combines client-side WAF defenses with a proprietary vulnerability, awareness, detection, and response engine to deliver instant and continuous in-session intelligence around devices, users, and locations.
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