Security News > 2020 > October > Incognia launches fraud detection solution for QR code contactless payments

Incognia launches fraud detection solution for QR code contactless payments
2020-10-22 01:45

Incognia announced the launch of its fraud detection solution designed for retailers, restaurants and payment providers leveraging QR codes for contactless payments.

With consumers ready to re-engage with vendors using contactless methods, health and security are top of mind as businesses push for faster adoption of contactless QR payments.

Incognia's fraud detection solution for QR code contactless payments uses location behavioral biometrics to verify buyer's and seller's real-time and historical location behavior to protect against fake QR codes, account takeovers and use of fake synthetic identities during transactions.

The solution works for physical in store, remote and peer to peer QR code contactless payments.

"QR code contactless payments are seeing rapid adoption because of ease of use. QR codes can be easily integrated into retailer apps and scanned by consumers using a smartphone. We're proud to provide our fraud detection solution to enable safer ways of doing business that are secure and frictionless."

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