Security News > 2020 > October > Inadequate skills and employee burnout are the biggest barriers to digital transformation

Inadequate skills and employee burnout are the biggest barriers to digital transformation
2020-10-02 05:00

Nearly six in ten organizations have accelerated their digital transformation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an IBM study of global C-suite executives revealed.

Traditional and perceived barriers like technology immaturity and employee opposition to change have fallen away - in fact, 66% of executives surveyed said they have completed initiatives that previously encountered resistance.

Leaders surveyed called out organizational complexity, inadequate skills and employee burnout as the biggest hurdles to overcome - both today and in the next two years.

74% of executives surveyed believe they have been helping their employees learn the skills needed to work in a new way, just 38% of employees surveyed agree.

These digital tools should enable a positive employee experience by design, and support people's innovation and productivity.

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