Security News > 2020 > October > COVID-19 and Acedia

COVID-19 and Acedia
2020-10-02 19:15

Summary StatementFrom a speech at the National Religious Broadcasters convention, published on 26 February 2020 Department of Justice website, given by William Barr, of the Department of Justice, Attorney General of the United States of America.

Simplifying the contested problem of state's structural and functional demise is not what Barr asserts, he knows it, and uses the language of moral certainty to reshape the state in a manner that resembles "Might makes right".

BARR STATEMENTAs one political scientist has noted, while liberal democracy conceives of people relating on many different planes of existence, "Totalitarian democracy recognizes only one plane of existence, the political." All is subsumed within a single project to use the power of the state to perfect mankind rather than limit the state to protecting our freedom to find our own ends.

RESPONSE/ANSWERIf Barr is arguing "Corporatism" as the plane of singularly at the center of the state, that would be accurate, but Barr is attempting to infer that it is the citizenry in the down spot of a new hierarchy.

BARR STATEMENTHow does religion protect against majoritarian tyranny? In the first place, it allows us to limit the role of government by cultivating internal moral values in the people that are powerful enough to restrain individual rapacity without resort to the state's coercive power.

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