Security News > 2020 > September > Social Media: Thwarting The Phishing-Data Goldmine

Social Media: Thwarting The Phishing-Data Goldmine
2020-09-04 17:23

This data is then used to launch phishing attacks against even more people and organizations.

So it's hardly surprising that phishing is now responsible for almost one-quarter of all data breaches.

Your business apps and data are now everywhere, on any device or network employees use for work, including personal endpoints and home Wi-Fi. As security professionals, we have to get more serious about the growing risk of phishing attacks on unmanaged devices, social-media platforms, mobile apps, and yes - email - that employees use for work.

If they have to question every clickable link sent to them in the course of a workday, how much work would actually get done? And how much anxiety would be created in the process? Sure, companies absolutely need to provide security-awareness training to help users stay smart and vigilant against phishing attacks.

We need to enforce zero-trust security approaches that ensure only trusted users, devices, apps, websites, and cloud services can access business apps and data.

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