Security News > 2020 > August > Russian cybercrime suspect arrested in $1m ransomware conspiracy

First, the crooks steal a trove of company files that they threaten to make public or to sell on to other crooks; then they scramble the data files on all the company's computers in order to bring business to a halt.
Recent reports include an attack on fitness tracking company Garmin, which was allegedly blackmailed for $10m and did pay up, though apparently after wangling the amount down into the "Multi-million" range; and on business travel company CWT, which faced a similar seven-figure demand and ended up handing over $4.5m to the criminals to get its business back on the rails.
According to federal criminal charges filed this week, the DOJ claims that a certain Egor Igorevich Kriuchkov of Russia not only planned a malware attack against a US company, but also travelled in person to America to negotiate with an employee of the company to implant the malware and thus initiate the attack.
No details are given in the affidavit about what network intelligence the insider was expected to come up with, but you can probably imagine lots of details that would be valuable to attackers, including: lists of computer and server names; network diagrams including internal IP numbering, firewall setup and VLAN configuration; any security software installed; usernames and working hours; IT staff and shift patterns; and much more.
We've often advised you to set up a single point of cybersecurity contact for all your staff, whether by phone or email, with the aim of turning everyone in the company into the eyes and ears of your IT security team.