Security News > 2020 > August > Most ICS vulnerabilities disclosed this year can be exploited remotely

Most ICS vulnerabilities disclosed this year can be exploited remotely
2020-08-20 04:00

More than 70% of ICS vulnerabilities disclosed in the first half of 2020 can be exploited remotely, highlighting the importance of protecting internet-facing ICS devices and remote access connections, according to Claroty.

The report comprises The Claroty Research Team's assessment of 365 ICS vulnerabilities published by the National Vulnerability Database and 139 ICS advisories issued by the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team during 1H 2020, affecting 53 vendors.

"There is a heightened awareness of the risks posed by ICS vulnerabilities and a sharpened focus among researchers and vendors to identify and remediate these vulnerabilities as effectively and efficiently as possible," said Amir Preminger, VP of Research at Claroty.

According to the report, more than 70% of the vulnerabilities published by the NVD can be exploited remotely, reinforcing the fact that fully air-gapped ICS networks that are isolated from cyber threats have become vastly uncommon.

The research team discovered 26 ICS vulnerabilities disclosed during 1H 2020, prioritizing critical or high-risk vulnerabilities that could affect the availability, reliability, and safety of industrial operations.

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