Security News > 2020 > August > How phishing attacks have exploited the US Small Business Administration

How phishing attacks have exploited the US Small Business Administration
2020-08-10 16:44

The US Small Business Administration has been offering loans to businesses and other groups affected by the pandemic and lockdown, turning it into a target ripe for impersonation in phishing attacks.

A report published Monday by security firm Malwarebytes tracks some of the different phishing campaigns that have sought to exploit the SBA. SEE: Coronavirus: Critical IT policies and tools every business needs.

Phishing emails were found containing malicious attachments with names such as "SBA Disaster Application Confirmation Documents COVID Relief.img." The emails used the SBA logo and branding and prompted recipients to complete a grant for small business disaster assistance.

Following the April campaign, a second wave of phishing emails appeared, complete with SBA logos and branding and claiming to be from the SBA's Office of Disaster Assistance.

Beyond digging deeper into the emails, Malwarebytes offers other advice on how to protect yourself against these phishing attacks.

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