Security News > 2020 > July > NIST selects algorithms to form a post-quantum cryptography standard

This "Selection round" will help the agency decide on the small subset of these algorithms that will form the core of the first post-quantum cryptography standard.
"At the end of this round, we will choose some algorithms and standardize them," said NIST mathematician Dustin Moody.
The previous round's group of 26 candidate algorithms were built on ideas that largely fell into three different families of mathematical approaches.
New standard to specify one or more quantum-resistant algorithms.
The new standard will specify one or more quantum-resistant algorithms each for digital signatures, public-key encryption and the generation of cryptographic keys, augmenting those in FIPS 186-4, Special Publication 800-56A Revision 3 and SP 800-56B Revision 2, respectively.
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