Security News > 2020 > July > BitDam releases scanner that detects phishing at first encounter

BitDam announced the availability of its new phishing scanner.
Phishing attacks are also becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it harder for traditional phishing detection solutions based on reputation and threat intelligence to identify them.
Using multiple sophisticated computer vision and AI algorithms, BitDam detects phishing attempts independent of previous knowledge and data.
"We are seeing a real increase in phishing campaigns in the past year. In fact, phishing has become the top cybersecurity threat, more than ransomware or any other malware," said Liron Barak, CEO, BitDam.
"That's because phishing attacks are much simpler to execute, and recently are more difficult to identify. In addition to including our unique phishing detection capabilities in BitDam's Advanced Threat Protection solution, we are now launching this online scanner as a free tool for use by cybersecurity professionals."
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