Security News > 2020 > July > UK's NCSC reveals Premier League footie clubs to be ripe pickings for cybercrooks: One almost lost £1m to BEC attack

UK's NCSC reveals Premier League footie clubs to be ripe pickings for cybercrooks: One almost lost £1m to BEC attack
2020-07-24 11:03

Common cybersecurity threats also apply to Premier League football clubs, according to the National Cyber Security Centre, which said that one club nearly sent £1m to fraudsters after a business email compromise attack.

"Adenike Cosgrove of email security biz Proofpoint commented:"The sporting industry has complex supply chains and frequently transfers large payment sums, making it a prime target for business email compromise attacks.

In 2018, Lazio football club famously lost £1.75m to an email scam, transferring money to fraudsters, and we can expect these types of attacks to continue.

"To protect against email fraud, the UK government has mandated the email authentication standard, DMARC, for all public sector organisations - private companies and sports authorities should follow suit."

Business email compromise scams are widespread; a bread-and-butter attack method for online criminals.

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