Security News > 2020 > July > Chris Vickery: AI Will Drive Tomorrow’s Data Breaches

Chris Vickery: AI Will Drive Tomorrow’s Data Breaches
2020-07-21 18:32

Vickery also talks to Threatpost about fringe data breach discoveries he's encountered over the last few years, as well as how the process of data breach disclosure is shifting and the best first steps companies can take once a data breach has been discovered.

So just for all of our listeners, Chris works at UpGuard, and he has a great track record of discovering major data breaches and vulnerabilities across the digital landscape.

So we're going to have a great discussion today about kind of data breach disclosure and the process of finding data breaches.

Chris, just to start, you know, the last time we talked to you, we were talking about the concept of what a data breach is, and you were mentioning that, you know, there's kind of this concept of data breaches being solely you know, hacks by malicious actors.

Before we wrap up, I want to ask you, is there anything, any data breach trends that we should be on the lookout for? Looking forward, anything you're seeing that is noteworthy from, you know, a data, accidental exposure or data breach viewpoint or anything from your vantage point that is probably sticking out to you.

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