Security News > 2020 > July > Tech sector job interviews test performance anxiety rather than competence at coding

Tech sector job interviews test performance anxiety rather than competence at coding
2020-07-17 03:30

A study from North Carolina State University and Microsoft finds that the technical interviews currently used in hiring for many software engineering positions test whether a job candidate has performance anxiety rather than whether the candidate is competent at coding.

The interviews may also be used to exclude groups or favor specific job candidates.

Technical interviews in the software engineering sector generally take the form of giving a job candidate a problem to solve, then requiring the candidate to write out a solution in code on a whiteboard - explaining each step of the process to an interviewer.

The current format of technical interviews excluding certain job candidates.

What's more, the specific nature of the technical interview process means that many job candidates try to spend weeks or months training specifically for the technical interview, rather than for the actual job they'd be doing.

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