Security News > 2020 > July > An email banning our staff from using TikTok? Haha, funny story about that, we didn't mean it – Amazon

An email banning our staff from using TikTok? Haha, funny story about that, we didn't mean it – Amazon
2020-07-11 00:20

Amazon today said an internal email banning its staff from using TikTok on smartphones connected to their corporate inboxes was sent in "Error." The admission - or climb down, depending on how skeptical you are - came after the memo was obtained and leaked by journalists.

So what Amazon's trying to say now is that it was wrong to ban TikTok from mobile devices: its policy is that it's OK to use the software on phones used for work email.

"User security is of the utmost importance to TikTok - we are fully committed to respecting the privacy of our users," a TikTok spokesperson told El Reg.

American soldiers were banned at the turn of the year from using TikTok after top brass branded it a "Cyber threat." The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Fox News this week the Trump administration is "Certainly looking" at banning TikTok in the States, citing national security concerns.

Finally, India's army this week directed troops to remove 89 social media and dating apps from their cellphones, including TikTok and Facebook - though bear in mind, India outlawed 59 Chinese apps last month, including TikTok.

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