Security News > 2020 > July > How much malware tools sell for on the Dark Web

How much malware tools sell for on the Dark Web
2020-07-06 16:08

A low-quality batch of malicious tools can sell for as low as $70, while a premium set can go as high as $6,000, according to the security research site Privacy Affairs.

At the low end of the list, malware tools aimed at a global audience sell on average for as little as $70. However, this particular batch is sold as low quality, slow speed, and a low success rate.

Tools aimed at Europe that are deemed high quality but aged sell for $1,400, while another set that targets Europe and is considered high quality but promoted as fresh sells for $2,300.

Finally, at the high end is a set of premium malware tools that go for $6,000.

Beyond malware tools and DDoS campaigns, the Dark Web is brimming with stolen and hacked account credentials, personal financial data, forged documents, and counterfeit money, among other content.

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