Security News > 2020 > June > Can Governments Defeat Nation-State Attacks on Critical Infrastructures?

Can Governments Defeat Nation-State Attacks on Critical Infrastructures?
2020-06-08 13:00

It turns out that industrial enterprises are much better positioned to defeat most nation-state attacks on power plants, pipelines, and other critical infrastructures than governments are.

Government intrusion detection is a little better at detecting attacks than our own systems and presents serious risks to corporate confidentiality.

The world's most secure industrial sites have long concluded that they must defend themselves against even sophisticated cyber attacks.

How do they do it? Secure sites observe that all cyber attacks are information - and so they carry out thorough inventories of offline and online information/attack flows that come into their critical networks.

When critical industrial sites deploy SEC-OT protections, they defeat the sophisticated attacks that governments cannot help with, and they call on the government for help with residual personnel risks.

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