Security News > 2020 > June > TrulySecure biometric solution recognizes users wearing face masks

Sensory, a speech and biometrics recognition provider, announced a modification to its TrulySecure platform that recognizes users wearing face masks.
TrulySecure is the company's face and voice biometric fusion platform has previously been able to authenticate device users via facial recognition, and was previously unable to verify individuals wearing protective face coverings.
The updated TrulySecure system uses biometric fusion and multiple enrollments to recognize users wearing masks, as well as detect coughs and sneezes.
Biometric fusion merges face and voice into one SDK, allowing developers to leverage the tech in real-world settings such as wearing cloth face coverings or being in noisy environments.
"TrulySecure does just that, allowing apps and devices to recognize and authenticate users in all conditions, even when wearing masks, thus eliminating the need for people to touch their face or remove their masks when in public," Mozer said.