Security News > 2020 > May > Dark Web sees rise in postings selling access to corporate networks

Dark Web sees rise in postings selling access to corporate networks
2020-05-20 13:08

These postings provide cybercriminals with the information needed to hack into networks where they can infect critical machines with malware, according to Positive Technologies.

Such access allows attackers to directly target business networks or hire skilled "Professionals" to hack into networks to infect machines with malware.

For the fourth quarter of 2019, Positive Technologies found that 50 access points to networks of major companies around the world were publicly up for sale on the Dark Web.

Along with the surge in the number of access points for sale, there's been an increase in both the scope of that access and the selling prices.

Now, hackers are selling access to a company's entire network infrastructure and asking for commissions of up to 30% of the potential profits.

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