Security News > 2020 > May > Security and the rapidly growing importance of mobile apps

Security and the rapidly growing importance of mobile apps
2020-05-18 04:00

According to the Verizon Mobile Security Index 2020, 43% of organizations said they knowingly cut corners on mobile security in 2019 to "Get the job done." And that was before the global pandemic.

This will be a struggle for many organizations unless they have mobile security professionals embedded in their development teams, and as I mentioned earlier, mobile security professionals are in short supply.

Other development teams will look to integrate security software development kits into their apps that provide security.

Other SDKs introduced vulnerabilities, such as Adobe's Mobile SDK. If organizations go this route, it's a good idea to hire a security consultant to vet the security SDKs for potential flaws and to evaluate their ability to protect an app.

As an additional benefit, automation always builds security in the same way, which provides brands with an auditable guarantee that the security posture was implemented according to the requirements of the organization, unlike manual implementations.

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