Security News > 2020 > May > Vote for Naked Security in the European Blogger Awards 2020!

Vote for Naked Security in the European Blogger Awards 2020!
2020-05-08 10:40

We've excited to say that we're short-listed in nine different categories in this year's European Cybersecurity Blogger Awards.

We're up for awards for our website, our podcast, our social media feeds on Twitter and Instagram, our cybersecurity videos, and for the Grand Prix for Best Overall Security Blog.

If you enjoy what you read, hear and see from the Naked Security team, please vote for us - it means a lot to us, and it reminds our bosses that our work is worth it so we get to keep the content coming!

Don' t forget that you, our Naked Security community, mean a lot to us, too.

Naked Security would be nothing without you - so to everyone who reads, listens, watches, comments, votes, likes, and shares our material, thank you so much.

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