Security News > 2020 > May > Black Hat USA, DEF CON 28 Go Virtual

Cybersecurity conferences Black Hat USA and DEF CON 28 will not be held in person this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Both back-to-back annual conferences were set to take place in Las Vegas this year; Black Hat USA on Aug. 1 to 6, 2020, and DEF CON 28 on Aug. 7 to 9, 2020.
DEF CON will be also be transitioning to a virtual version of the event, called "DEF CON Safe Mode." DEF CON talks, workshops, demo labs, and training CFPs submissions will be processed on schedule as originally planned, according to its website.
"Even though our in-person Las Vegas event is canceled, we will run DEF CON 28 Safe Mode August 7-9 with 101 orientation Thursday - all of it remote," DEF CON founder Jeff Moss, said on DEF CON's website.
DEF CON remote events will include a new on-line Mystery Challenge, a DEF CON is Canceled music album, remote CTFs and a remote movie night and drink-up, he said.
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