Security News > 2020 > April > NFL Tackles Cybersecurity Concerns Ahead of 2020 Draft Day

NFL Tackles Cybersecurity Concerns Ahead of 2020 Draft Day
2020-04-21 20:55

The NFL draft is slated to start Thursday, and thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be the first virtual version of the event ever presented.

This raises a few cybersecurity concerns, according to researchers and the teams themselves - but the NFL is planning on knocking the security ball straight through the uprights.

Researchers pointed out that this year's draft introduces unprecedented new opportunities to steal info as teams move discussions out of tightly closed war-rooms and onto online meeting platforms.

"NFL teams also have strict deadlines to submit their draft choices. If they miss their window, they lose their opportunity to select that pick. An attacker with the ability to sabotage or disrupt a team's communications could cost them access to keys players if it causes the team to miss their selection deadline."

As these concerns go public, this year's cybersecurity efforts have been "Comprehensive and thoughtful," the NFL spokesperson stressed to Threatpost, with the coaches and scouts for all 32 teams participating in simulations leading up to the event in an attempt to nail down potential weaknesses.

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